July 27, 2014

Chronicles of a Gentleman: Dreams. Don't defer them.

Remember in primary school, the teachers would inquire about what you wanted to be when you grew up?  I remember wanting to be doctor when I grew up, because I wanted to make a lot of money.  From there I wanted to a chef, band director, nurse, pediatrician, author, English teacher, chorus teacher, and an accountant, not necessarily in that order.  It is amazing to me that at young ages we can find what we love to do and imagine ourselves fulfilling those goals and dreams.  Sometimes those dreams change for whatever reason.  I remember not wanting to go into the medical field because I sucked at math and science, I couldn't be a chef because I never really learned to cook, and being music teacher would mean some formal training which I had little of.  It was not until I started working for my current Employer, Jos. A. Bank that I realized that I loved helping people look their best, and more importantly I loved just everything about men's clothing, from the stitching of each garment, to the patterns, to the thread counts in suits, to the craftmanship in shoes, and so much more.  I am still learning about men's style and have a hunger and thirst to know more about that which I love.

In today's society, we cannot afford to give up on our dreams or not pursue them because of what people may say or think, or because you may not have the resources to make those dreams come true.  In life, I have learned that people are going to talk about you no matter what.  If you decide to pursue your goals, people will have opinions, and even if you don't, people are still going to find a way to talk about you.  Why not go forth and make those goals and dreams happen?  Start a bucket list of things you would like to achieve, and if you mess up or decide that it was the wrong risk, then so be it.  At least you can that you tried, and it didn't work, rather than say you wish you could have.  

I am strong believer that everyone is valuable in our society.  I also believe that each individual on this planet has some kind of talent and/or gift to offer this world that will make a difference, whether a small or tremendous difference.  The key is whether we decide to use those talents and gifts.  

No matter what your dreams may be, never let ANYONE, talk you out of your dream.  Your dream is your ticket to happiness.  Whether family or friends want to persuade you from reaching those dreams, be strong enough to believe in yourself and build that empire.  Whether you desire to open a business, or a school, or whether you desire to mentor, design, style, create, etc. It is YOUR dream and no one else's.  

I was reminded a few months ago that I have to stop looking for people to validate and help me try to reach my dream.  This is MY dream, MY goal, and MY desires. NO ONE ELSE'S!!!  It is great to have people cheering you on, but know that you are the ultimate captain of your life.  Oprah made a really powerful statement in a video.  She stated that "We are responsible for our own lives."  This is meaning that we can't blame anyone else for the direction of our lives.  We can't blame our family, or a screwed up system for as to why we can't achieve success in life.  I understand that obstacles, and challenges come, but we have remember that we are over comers.  We can fight through any struggle or challenge we may face and continue on to striving towards our dreams and goals.  If you want it bad enough, you will do whatever it takes to reach those goals.  I am learning that the older I get.  I am learning to pursue everything that I have my mind set out to do.  I have dreams so big, that they scare me, but you can rest assured that they will come true.  Even if I fail or don't succeed in what I'm striving for, I would love to say, I tried and be able to let someone know the mistakes I made so that they may run without falling.  

People believe in yourself.  Be positive and always put God first in everything you do.  As I always like to live by, as long as you have your faith, family and a few good friends, you can certainly make it through out life.

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